Role of the Ambassador

Ambassadors of the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society play a crucial role in supporting and promoting the work of the Societythrough engaging local networks, supporting learning and developing connections between those with an interest in ABI. Ambassadors will be supported where possible in this work by the board of IPBIS.

Responsibilities of Ambassadors:

If an ambassador becomes unable or is unwilling to fulfil their duties their period of involvement with IPBIS may be terminated. Termination will be in writing but will be preceded by contact with the board of IPBIS to determine how we might help.

Ambassador Appointments

Appointments shall be made by nomination to the board of IPBIS. Candidates may be appointed through peer or self-nomination. IPBIS also reserves the right to approach potential ambassadors to address gaps in international representation as needed. Ambassadors should be full members of IPBIS.

Ambassadors will be appointed for a period of four years. This may be extended for a further four-year term upon request. No ambassador shall hold a post for more than a total of eight consecutive years. A past ambassador, who has left the role for a period of one year, may seek a further nomination if no other appointment has been made in that region.

Nominations will be made via a short application form (See application link below), brief CV, and cover letter explaining why you wish to become an ambassador for IPBIS.

To view the application, click here.

Current Ambassadors