Wendy Goodwin, MD
Dr. Goodwin is one of less than 40 physicians in the United States who is triple board-certified in Brain Injury Medicine, Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. Now in private practice, she has a background in academic medicine as clinical faculty at the University of Texas Southwesten Medical School serving at Children's Medical Center Dallas, a Level I Pediatric Trauma Hospital. She has been active in local, state and national levels in leadership positions to improve policy and quality of care for brain-injured children and their caregivers. She consults and testifies as a physician expert witness, helping courts understand the long-term implications of bodily, cognitive and financial damages in personal injury cases, the potential for rehabilitation and adaptive strategies to best support disabled patients and their caregivers. She is uniquely qualified to opine on the effects of personal injury in young patients (birth through college-age) whose bodies and brains are still developing.
Dr. Goodwin has extensive public speaking experience and enjoys teaching difficult scientific concepts to children and lay audiences. She is a passionate advocate for people with disabilities from whom she has drawn much inspiration over the span of her career.