Sharon Grandinette, M.S., Ed., CBIST
Sharon Grandinette, MSEd, CBIST, is a Certified Brain Injury Specialist/Trainer and a nationally/internationally recognized consultant who focuses her work on school reintegration for children with acquired brain injury, provides advocacy to families, and expert witness services in pediatric legal cases. She has worked in public schools as a special educator and administrator for over 20 years, developed and administrated 2 private special education BI schools, and spent 3 years as director of a children’s post-acute BI rehabilitation program. She was an adjunct instructor in the graduate special education department for California State University Dominguez Hills. Sharon was instrumental in developing the TBI authorization for the California Department of Education and has written articles and a book chapter on the topic of children’s BI. Sharon currently serves on the board of the North American Brain Injury Society (NABIS), the National Children’s Collaborative on Brain Injury (NCCBI), and has previously served on the boards of BIA California, and BIAA’s Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists. She is a member of the International Pediatric Brain Injury Society, and is on the planning committee for their 2020 conference. Sharon was recently awarded the 2018 Clinical Innovator Award by NABIS.