The 2022 Legal Conference program Is now online.
Shana DeCaro, Esq.
Brenda Eagan-Johnson, EdD, CBIST
Alina Fong, PhD
Simon Forgette, Esq.
Michael Freeman
Kenneth Goldblatt, Esq.
Wendy Goodwin, MD
Sharon Grandinette, MEd
Harvey E. Jacobs, PhD
Michael Kaplen, Esq.
Kenneth Kolpan , Esq.
Jeff Korek, Esq.
Evan Lide, Esq.
Artemis Malekpour, Esq.
Brent Masel, MD
Michael Neff, Esq.
Tanya Ortega, Esq.
William Padula, OD
William Ricigliano, Esq.
Michael Ronemus, Esq.
David Ross, MD
Randall Rozek, Esq.
Randall Scarlett Esq.
Dorothy Sims, Esq.
Katherine Snedaker, MSW
Bruce Stern, Esq.
Tamara Wexler, MD
Marisuz Ziejewski, PhD
Session Topics
Admissibility of DTI
Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction
Bias in Neuropsychological Testing
Biomechanics of TBI
Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and TBI
Cross Examination of Experts
Damages Evolving in TBI
Dementia and TBI in Adults
Direct Examination of Experts
Domestic Violence and TBI
Education Issues in Pediatric TBI
Pediatric TBI--Frequently Overlooked Problems
Proof of Economic Loss
Proving Causation in the TBI Case
Special Considerations in Women and TBI
The Role of Pituitary Hormone Deficiencies In Persistent Symptoms After TBI
Use of Lay Witnesses in TBI Cases
Visual Disturbance Following TBI
Winning your Premises Liability Brain Injury Case
Working with Life Care Planers