Dr. Wicks is an Education Consultant, specializing in acquired brain injury (ABI). She has worked with young people with acquired brain injury, their families and schools for approximately 30 years. She acted in an advisory and training capacity to education providers and completed expert witness reports for the court. She has retired from those aspects of her work but continues to work on specific projects.

She has been involved in research regarding school difficulties following acquired brain injuries, spoken regularly at national and international conferences and has written or co-authored many publications, including the textbooks: Educating Children with Acquired Brain Injuries (second edition in press) and Effective Learning After Acquired Brain Injury: a practical guide to support adults with neurological conditions. She has co-authored material to support young people with ABI and their families for the Child Brain Injury Trust.

She has been a consultant to a number of innovative projects and programs for young people with acquired brain injury and regularly contributed teaching sessions for post graduate courses in pediatric neurodisability and neuropsychology.

She is a member of the Criminal Justice and Acquired Brain Injury Interest Group; has previously run family and teenage support groups and has acted as a board member, trustee or advisor for a number of UK ABI charities.